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Unten stehend finden Sie Ausschreibungen und News aus v.a. dem akademischen Bereich. Hier können Sie sich über Masterprogramme, aktuelle Call for Papers und interessante wissenschaftliche Angebote informieren.

Joint Degree Master's Program: Comparative & Middle East Politics and Society (CMEPS) in Tübingen/Cairo

The M. A. in “Comparative & Middle East Politics and Society” (CMEPS) is a two-year master’s program jointly offered by the University of Tübingen and the American University in Cairo (AUC). It provides in-depth knowledge of the political and societal developments in the Middle East as well as analytical tools for understanding this region’s complex dynamics and challenges.

The focal point of the degree program is the relationship between societies and states in the MENA region as well as the dynamics of social and political transformation. Key topics are Comparative Politics of the Middle East, development politics and international cooperation, as well as issues of regime change and democratization. Students can choose from a range of elective modules, concentrating, for example, on International Political Economy, Peace and Conflict Resolution, or on issues in Middle Eastern culture and civil societies. Depending on their first degree, students of the CMEPS program will also take courses in either Political Science methods or basic Arabic (or German, respectively) during their first year. Irrespective of their first degree, by the end of their studies CMEPS students will have a unique profile which combines an advanced analytical knowledge of Comparative Politics with a strong specialization in the politics, society, cultures, and language of the Arab Middle East.
To promote the link between theory and practice, study trips to international organizations and development agencies as well as to important political and cultural institutions of the respective host country are included in the program.

Applications for the Winter Semester 2024/2025 at the University of Tübingen are open until 15 May 2024.

For more information about the program, the application process and admission requirements visit the program's website.


Master's Program International Education Management (INEMA) in Ludwigsburg/Cairo

International Education Management (inema) is a joint venture of the Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany, and the Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt. The program is designed to provide and develop managerial and leadership skills as well as competencies for cross-cultural challenges in education management and for international reform processes in education.

Applications for selfpayers for winter term 2024/2025 are open until 31st May 2024!

The program is accredited in Germany as well as in Egypt. Graduates receive a joint master's degree. In view of the international orientation of the program, courses are tailored to the globalization of markets and the needs of the participating students.

The program aims to provide competences for taking leadership positions in organizations in the educational realm. It also aims to equip participants with the tools necessary to deal with cross-cultural challenges in the field of international education management. It covers strategies and operational know-how to realize visions and abilities needed to lead teams and staff to specific goals and organizational development. It enables participants to take responsibility, to adopt innovative ideas for modern education processes, set up strategies and structures as well as implement quality development.

The transfer of knowledge into practical competencies and vice versa is achieved by bringing real-life problems into classroom discussions. The participants import new knowledge into their own fields of educational or management practice.

Funding partners are the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ). The program is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

For more information about application procedures and application periods, please visit the INEMA website.

Arabic Studies at Freie Universität Berlin

The Department of Semitic and Arabic Studies has formally existed at Freie Universität Berlin since 1957/1958 – teaching began in 1963. Since then, the professors of Arabic Studies have expanded established fields of research such as classical Arabic literature and Quranic studies to include diverse directions, such as the development of Arabic script, classical Arabic poetry in its social environment, cultural and intellectual history of the Arabic-speaking world, as well as early Arabic book culture from the perspective of media history.

Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gründler, the focus today is on a philological as well as aesthetic approach to the study of forms, media and texts of classical as well as modern Arabic literature. This includes aspects of interculturality, history of knowledge and diversity research. A close connection between research and teaching is characteristic of all areas.

Arabic Studies can be studied at Freie Universität Berlin in the master's program Arabic Studies.

Application for the MA program are open from April until August 2024.

More information on the program, admission requirements and application procedure can be found here.

Master of Arts (MA) Interdisciplinary Studies of the Middle East in Berlin

Interdisciplinary Studies of the Middle East (ISME) is a two-year, tuition-free, full-time master’s program taught in English on the campus in Berlin.

Freie Universität's expertise in cultural studies of the Middle East – represented by Arabic Studies, Iranian Studies, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, Kurdish Studies, Ottoman Studies, Semitic Studies, and Turcology – comes together for this master's program to offer students the possibility to approach this fascinating and complex region from multi-faceted and interregional perspectives taking into account the diversity of languages, literatures, societies, religions, and cultures of this region.

As a consecutive program, it builds on knowledge about the Middle East and skills from the field of humanities, cultural studies, and philologies that have been acquired in the course of a bachelor program or through professional qualification. 

Possible fields of studies include: Arabic literature, cultural and intellectual history of the Arabic-speaking world, Qur’an–Tafsir–Hadith, Old and Middle Iranian philology, Iranian religions, Iranian history, Iranian literatures and linguistics, Islamic history, Islam in Europe, Judaism and Islam, Jewish history of knowledge, comparative Semitics, Eastern Christianity, Arabic linguistics and dialectology, Aramaic linguistics and dialectology, Turkic literatures and linguistics, etc.

The next application period will be April 24 – May 31 for an intake in winter 2024/2025.

More information on the program, admission requirements and application procedure can be found here.

Joint Degree Master's Program: Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Cologne/Amman

Current global trends such as population and economic growth as well as climate change exert increasing pressure on water resources worldwide. These ressources are the basis for food production, urban and industrial water supplies and hydropower. Experts are needed who understand that multiple problems of water resources management can only be addressed through a holistic approach.

The profile of the Master's program of the TH Köln is application-oriented. The aim is, besides providing the participants with an overview on the water sector in general, to educate experts in the field of Integrated Water Resources Management. This requires a diversification of their knowledge and leads to the capability of cross-linked thinking. The answer to complex environmental and water related problems requires economic and managerial competencies more than classical technical knowledge.
The consolidation of different disciplines has not only a methodological dimension but a cultural and a human one, because interdisciplinary team work requires knowledge sharing and effective communication.

Applications for the Winter Semester 2024/2025 open from early May 2024 until 12 June, 2024. For more information about the program, the application process and admission requirements visit the program's website.

Master in Law and Economics of the Arab Region (MLEA) in Cairo/Hamburg

The Master in Law and Economics (MLEA) is a joint programme between Faculty of Economics and Political Science (FEPS), Cairo University and Faculty of Law, Hamburg University. MLEA graduates receive an LL.M./M.A. from the Faculty of Law, Hamburg University (Specialization in Law). Egyptian Nationals receive additionally an M.Sc. from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University (Specialization in Economics).

The programme, with its courses provides students with necessary tools to explain the behaviour of legislators, prosecutors, judges, bureaucrats and other actors using the economic methodology. The model of rational choice, which underlies much of modern economics, proved to be very useful for explaining (and predicting) how people act under various legal constraints. This positive analysis informs the normative branch of the discipline about possible outcomes. If effects of divergent legal rules and institutions are known, the normative analyst will be able to discern efficient rules from those that are inefficient and formulate reform proposals to increase the efficiency of the law. Hence Law & Economics can be considered a reliable tool to study and improve the quality of legal systems. The better understanding of the Law from an economic point of view can be viewed as a necessity to support the ongoing structural reform process of the institutions in the Arab region.

Applications for the winter term 2024 are open until 31 March 2024 for non-Egyptians and until 30 June 2024 for Egyptians.

For more information about the program, the application process and admission requirements visit the program's website.

International Master of Science (M.Sc.) program: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region (REMENA)

The master program REMENA is offered by the University of Kassel (UKAS), Germany, the Cairo University (CU), Egypt and the University of Monastir (UM), Tunisia. Starting with summer semester 2019 it is also possible to spend one semester at the University of Sfax (US), Tunisia, as well. It is an application-oriented program where graduates are expected to work for companies and institutions in the field of renewable energies to foster the further development on an international level. The overall duration of the program is 24 months which are divided into four semesters.

Application Round for Winter Semester 2024/25 with start of studies in Cairo or Monastir is open now!

Deadline for online applications via uni-assist is July 15, 2024. This is a binding and excluding deadline. Classes are expected to start in presence mode in September 2024 in Cairo and Monastir.

More information on the program, admission requirements and application procedure can be found here.

Philipps Universität Marburg: MSc Economics of the Middle East (EMEA)

The Economics of the Middle East (EMEA) program equips students with the theoretical and empirical knowledge and skills necessary to analyse business and development questions with reference to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The programme is run as a close collaboration of the Center for Near and Middle East Studies (CNMS) and the School of Business and Economics (FB02) at Philipps-Universität Marburg.

It offers a wide range of courses including Islamic finance, political economy, natural resources, corruption, shadow economy and demographic transition. The third semester allows for a choice between specialisations tracks in 'Institutional Economics', 'Finance & Accounting' or 'Management'. Alternatively, our students can opt for an optional semester abroad at one of our partner universities in the MENA region.

The application period for admissions to Winter Semester 2024/25 starts on the 1st of April 2024 and ends on 15th of July 2024.

More information on admission requirements, study programme and how to apply can be found on the programme website.

Double degree MSc. program Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design (IUSD) Stuttgart/Cairo

The program is open to graduates and young professionals from the fields of architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture and regional planning as well as to graduates with other Bachelor degrees and with relevant professional experience. Our philosophy is based on transnational learning exchange between students with different regional backgrounds applied to a specific urban reality. Our joint IUSD Lab´s experiential learning hubs are based in Egypt (IUSD Lab Cairo) and Germany (IUSD Lab Stuttgart) and embedded into a network of international partner institutions and universities around the world.

Next application period will start from 1 June 2024 until 15 October 2024 and will be for admission to winter term 2025/26.

Teaching at both universities is based on interdisciplinary teamwork and on site-specific projects in cooperation with local communities and with different stakeholders, organizations and institutions, locally and internationally. IUSD students acquire reflective and practical skills to develop integrated and transdisciplinary solutions for planning, managing and designing landscapes, cities and buildings.

For more information about the program, admission requirements and application procedures, please visit the program's website.

Studieren im Ausland

Der DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst bietet zahlreiche Tipps und Programme zum Studieren im Ausland. Auch für die Region Nordafrika, Naher und Mittlerer Osten gibt es zahlreiche Angebote.


Die Gemeinschaftsinitiative des Auswärtigen Amtes, des Goethe-Instituts, der Deutschen Industrie – und Handelskammer (DIHK) und des Bundesverbands der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) vermittelt Akademiker*innen aus Irak, Jordanien und Libanon zwischen Oktober und November 2024 Hospitationen in deutschen Unternehmen. In Zusammenarbeit mit den Hospitierenden erhalten die Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, Potenziale ihrer Zielmärkte zu erkunden und mit einer Fachkraft ihrer Branche praktische Erfahrungen auszutauschen. Die Hospitierenden profitieren vom Einblick in Arbeitsinhalte, Arbeitsabläufe und das Miteinander in den deutschen Unternehmen und erweitern ihre deutschen Sprachkenntnisse.

Bewerbungsphase: 01.03.–31.03.2024

Alle Informationen, z.B. zu Programmablauf, Teilnahmebedingungen und Anmeldung, finden Sie hier.

REACH.Leadershipprogramm für Muslim:innen

Chancengerechtigkeit und Vielfalt sind Schlüsselprinzipien, um ein gelingendes Zusammenleben in der Gesellschaft zu ermöglichen. Dennoch erfahren muslimisch gelesene Personen immer wieder Diskriminierungen, auch im Berufsleben. Daher hat sich die Deutschlandstiftung Integration zum Ziel gesetzt, einen Beitrag zu einer gelebten Selbstverständlichkeit von Vielfalt im Berufsleben zu leisten und somit ein gelingendes Zusammenleben in der Gesellschaft zu befördern. Mit dem REACH.Leadershipprogramm, das aus Mitteln der Deutschen Islamkonferenz gefördert wird, unterstützt die Deutschlandstiftung Integration daher junge Muslim:innen auf ihrem Karriereweg.

Das sechsmonatige Leadershipprogramm umfasst ein eins-zu-eins Mentoring, Exkursionen und Kamingespräche mit renommierten Gästen. Diese schaffen wertvolle Zugänge zu Entscheidungspersonen aus der Politik, Verwaltung, Wirtschaft, Medienlandschaft, Wissenschaft und Kultur. Ein besonderes Ziel besteht darin Wissen über gesellschaftliche Entscheidungsprozesse zu vertiefen und zu reflektieren.

Das Programm bietet:

•    ein 1:1 Mentoring
•    Qualifikation und Empowerment durch Workshops für junge Muslim:innen
•    ein starkes Leadership-Netzwerk
•    Intensiver Austausch mit hochrangigen Akteur:innen
•    Safe Space für junge Muslim:innen

Die aktuelle Ausschreibung läuft noch bis zum 15.03.2024.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Deutscher Bundestag Stipendium / German Parliamentary Scholarship 2024

Der Deutsche Bundestag bietet vom 1. bis zum 30. September 2024 das Internationale Parlaments-Stipendium (IPS) Programm Arabische Staaten an.

Das Stipendium richtet sich an junge Hochschulabsolventinnen und -absolventen aus dem arabischen Raum, die Interesse am deutschen parlamentarischen System haben und sich in ihren Heimatländern aktiv für demokratische Grundwerte einsetzen.

Sie haben die Gelegenheit, im September 2024 das deutsche politische System durch ein intensives inhaltliches Programm und ein einwöchiges Praktikum bei einem Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages kennenzulernen.


-              Staatsangehörigkeit eines Teilnehmerlandes
-              Jünger als 35 Jahre zu Programmbeginn (1. September 2024)
-              Politisches/gesellschaftliches Engagement
-              Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium
-              Gute Deutschkenntnisse (mind. B2 entsprechend des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen, nicht älter als 2 Jahre)

Bewerbungsschluss: 15. Januar 2024

Interessenten können sich bei der deutschen Auslandsvertretung ihres Heimatlandes bewerben. Bewerbungsunterlagen und mehr Informationen gibt es unter: https://www.bundestag.de/ips_arabisch


The International Parliamentary Scholarship (IPS) Programme for Arab countries of the German Bundestag grants young and talented Arab graduates the opportunity to get to know the German parliamentary system during a one month programme in September 2024.

The IPS programme is aimed at committed and politically interested young graduates from the Middle East/Northern Africa who want to actively and responsibly shape the democratic future of their countries.
The German Parliament offers these young people the opportunity to learn about the German parliamentary system and the political decision-making processes during a one-month programme in Berlin, Germany.
The programme takes place annually from September 1 to September 30. 
Selection criteria:
-        Citizenship of a participating country
-        Under the age of 35 at the start of the scholarship
-        Interest in politics, and social/political commitment
-        University degree
-        Good knowledge of German (at least level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)


For more information and the application form please visit: https://www.bundestag.de/en/europe/international/exchange/ips/arabian-250618


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September 2024
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DAFG, Berlin

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Ökumenisches Bildungszentrum Sanctclara, Mannheim

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