Die DAFG e.V. trauert um ihren Freund und Journalisten Ahmad Afani
Am 8. Februar 2025 ist unser Mitglied der ersten Stunde und Mitgründer der DAFG e.V., Ahmad Afani, im Alter von 94
...Am 8. Februar 2025 ist unser Mitglied der ersten Stunde und Mitgründer der DAFG e.V., Ahmad Afani, im Alter von 94
...Der Nahe Osten wird häufig nur als Krisen- und Konfliktregion wahrgenommen. Die Region steht zudem vor großen
...Warum die GCC-Staaten für uns wichtig sind und was sie gegen die Konflikte in ihrer Region immunisiert.
Von Rainer
Fachkräftegewinnung und Kooperation im Ausbildungsbereich
Am 12. und 13. Januar 2025 besuchte eine Gruppe von
...Seit einem Jahr ist die DAFG – Deutsch-Arabische Freundschaftsgesellschaft e.V. in der Wallstraße 61 an der Fischerinsel
...Thursday, 9 February 2023, 5 to 6.15 pm CET
Green partnership agreements with the EU’s neighbouring countries
Potential instruments for strengthening the European Green Deal?
The event continues the series "EU Strategic Toolbox Talks" focusing on existing and upcoming EU instruments aimed at managing critical dependencies and strengthening the EU’s sovereignty. These instruments form an important basis for fostering the EU’s capability to act in a global environment increasingly shaped by geopolitical tensions and systemic rivalries.
A central project of the EU in making Europe CO2-neutral by 2050 and reducing critical energy dependencies is the European Green Deal. Main fields of action for its implementation are energy supply, transport, trade, industry, financial market regulation and agriculture. In order to achieve climate neutrality and energy security more quickly, the EU is looking for partners. In increasing the supply of green energy sources, the partnership with the EU's southern neighbourhood plays an important role.
Since October 2022 Morocco is the first country with whom the EU has concluded a Green Partnership Agreement under the external dimension of the European Green Deal. Brussels and Rabat defined as areas of cooperation: climate and energy; environment, including marine issues; agriculture; and green economy. Other Southern Mediterranean Partner Countries, such as Tunisia, offer similar green cooperation potential.
Henrike Trautmann, Director for Neighbourhood South and Türkiye; Directorate-General Neighbourhood & Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), Brussels
Andreas Wenzel, Chief Executive Officer, German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Morocco, Casablanca
Ali Kanzari, Senior Expert in Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency, Tunis
Moderation / Setting the scene:
Christian Hanelt, Senior Expert Europe, Neighbourhood and the Middle East, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Berlin
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