Die DAFG e.V. trauert um den Islamwissenschaftler Professor Werner Ende

Mit dem Tod von Professor Werner Ende verliert die deutsche Nahostforschung einen ihrer bedeutendsten Pioniere. Wir


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DAFG e.V. unterstützt Workshops an Berliner Schule

Von arabischer Kalligrafie bis hin zu arabischer Musik: Am 27. Juni 2024 konnten Schülerinnen und Schüler der neunten

DAFG, Kultur, Bildung & Wissenschaft

Zweites Netzwerktreffen der DAFG-Arabischkurse für Lehrkräfte

Arabischkurse speziell für Lehrkräfte und Schulpersonal – das bietet die DAFG – Deutsch -Arabische

DAFG, Politik

6. German-Arab Gulf Dialogue in Berlin

Am 10.-11. Juni 2024 fand in Berlin der sechste Deutsch-Arabische Golf-Dialog statt, organisiert von der DAFG –


Ausstellung: Abdo Shanan - "Dry"

30 September - 2 October 2021, daily 11 am - 9 pm
Barenboim-Said Akademie, Französische Straße 33, 10117 Berlin

Exhibition of the Katharina Maria Raab Galerie as part of the Edward W Said Days 2021 at the Barenboim-Said Akademie.



Abdo Shanan was born in Algeria to an Algerian mother and a Sudanese father. When he was nine, he moved with his family to Libya, where he would spend 18 years of his life convincing himself that he was Algerian, while his father kept insisting that he was Sudanese. At the age of 28, Shanan decided to make Algeria his home, and it was then that he began to question his idea of belonging.

“I began to feel like I was an island in the middle of a society with which I didn’t have as much in common as I thought I did.”—How is it possible for an island to exist in the middle of an ocean? Is it because the island’s dry soil is strong enough to impose itself against the water surrounding it, or is the ocean merely tolerating the presence and existence of the island? Or is it a relationship of compromise in which both sides renounce part of their claim to the other in order to co-exist?

Dry is about all the “islands” Shanan has encountered throughout the past years: Lamia, who had left Algeria for France at the age of six and had been visiting each summer until she reached adulthood and her relationship with Algerian society became more complex. Or M’mmar, who has been living in the diaspora for 45 years and who will only return to die and be buried in Algeria, “because it is good to die there.” With Dry, Abdo Shanan wants to make the viewers feel uncomfortable and uneasy. He wants us to doubt what we have been told about belonging and national identities—for what do these social constructs mean anyway?

Exhibition Opening:

30 September, 5 pm

Renowned photographer Akinbode Akinbiyi, who exhibited during the Edward W. Said Days 2019, introduces the artist of this year’s exhibition, Abdo Shanan and initiates a conversation between Abdo Shanan and the curator, Walid Aidoud.

RSVP by September 25

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September 2021
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DAFG, Berlin

Eröffnung Fotoausstellung "Eine algerische Reise" von Marion Beckhäuser

12. November 2015, 18:30 Uhr

DAFG-Geschäftsstelle, Friedrichstr. 185, 10117 Berlin

Mit ihrer

DAFG, Berlin

Podiumsdiskussion: “Refugees Welcome“ – Perspektiven aus Berliner Politik, Wirtschaft & Zivilgesellschaft

18. November 2015, 17:00 Uhr

Traglufthalle für Flüchtlinge, Kruppstraße 16, 10557 Berlin


DAFG, Berlin

DAFG-Dialektkurs ägyptisches Arabisch

21. November 2015, 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr

DAFG-Geschäftsstelle, Friedrichstr. 185, 10117 Berlin



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Diskussion: Bleiben oder Gehen? Zum (Über-)Leben in Syrien

25. Januar 2016, 19:30 Uhr

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Bundesstiftung Berlin, Schumannstr. 8, 10117


Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Philosophie – Vortrag Teil 1

29. Januar 2016, 20:00 Uhr

Kulturzentrum der Freunde Arabischer Kunst und Kultur e.V. - Galerie
