Oasen des Friedens und des Wohlstands
Warum die GCC-Staaten für uns wichtig sind und was sie gegen die Konflikte in ihrer Region immunisiert.
Von Rainer
Warum die GCC-Staaten für uns wichtig sind und was sie gegen die Konflikte in ihrer Region immunisiert.
Von Rainer
Seit einem Jahr ist die DAFG – Deutsch-Arabische Freundschaftsgesellschaft e.V. in der Wallstraße 61 an der Fischerinsel
...Plötzlich und völlig unerwartet ist der ehemalige deutsche Diplomat Dieter Walter Haller auf einer Reise in das Land,
...Am 28. November 2024 begrüßten DAFG-Vizepräsident Houssam Maarouf und der Vorstand den neu akkreditierten jordanischen
...Am 25. November 2024 hatte die DAFG – Deutsch-Arabische Freundschaftsgesellschaft e.V. die besondere Gelegenheit, den
...Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2019, 19.00 bis 21.00 Uhr
Landesstiftung Berlin (Bildungswerk), Sebastianstraße 21, 10179 Berlin
From Assad's Appropriation of the State to Appropriation of Society
In most accounts on the year 1979 as a historical watershed in West Asia, Syria, curiously, is missing. However, also in this country, 1979 is highly significant. This ninth year of the reign of the tyrant Hafez Al-Assad is one of crisis: of a brutal massacre of sectarian nature in the city of Aleppo.
The massacre and the regime's reaction left a significant mark in the social and political development of Syria. Simultaneously, professional associations, students and leftists went on protest to demand democracy, a constitutional state and citizen rights and were confronted with brutal violence and mass detention of dissidents – amongst them the speaker of this lecture.
The meaning of the events of 1979 has not been seriously examined – not at the time, nor subsequently in academy. However, it is likely that the development of the regime into a “dynastical neo sultanate” was in part a response directly related to the challenges signified in the 1979 Aleppo massacre. Thereafter, several massacres took place all over Syria. All of them had genocidal elements, argues Yassin Al-Haj Saleh.
The year 1979 hence also lead the way for the extinction of any organized political opposition in Syria, and therefore formed the very nature of political life for the years to come. Thinking of what happened 40 years ago can be helpful in analysing the Assad family rule and the tragedy that has been unfolding in the country for the past 99 months.
For more information click here.
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