Die DAFG e.V. trauert um den Islamwissenschaftler Professor Werner Ende

Mit dem Tod von Professor Werner Ende verliert die deutsche Nahostforschung einen ihrer bedeutendsten Pioniere. Wir


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wir freuen uns, euch mitteilen zu können, dass die DAFG – Deutsch-Arabische

DAFG, Kultur, Bildung & Wissenschaft

DAFG e.V. unterstützt Workshops an Berliner Schule

Von arabischer Kalligrafie bis hin zu arabischer Musik: Am 27. Juni 2024 konnten Schülerinnen und Schüler der neunten

DAFG, Kultur, Bildung & Wissenschaft

Zweites Netzwerktreffen der DAFG-Arabischkurse für Lehrkräfte

Arabischkurse speziell für Lehrkräfte und Schulpersonal – das bietet die DAFG – Deutsch -Arabische

DAFG, Politik

6. German-Arab Gulf Dialogue in Berlin

Am 10.-11. Juni 2024 fand in Berlin der sechste Deutsch-Arabische Golf-Dialog statt, organisiert von der DAFG –


Sustainable finance in Germany, the EU and the Arab World

25. März 2019
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V., Klingelhöferstraße 23, 10785 Berlin

Study and dialogue program for experts from the MENA Region

Within the framework of the proposed dialogue program, experts from both, private and public sector, science and civil society from the MENA region will learn about current developments and perspectives in the field of Sustainable Finance in Germany and at European level. The main objective is to discuss the political framework for Sustainable Finance and to highlight how appropriate investments in the countries of the region can be facilitated. In addition, possible cooperation opportunities between the participants and German/European stakeholders will be identified.

The study and dialogue program is organised in cooperation with the KAS Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa and the team for interior programs of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Berlin.

The Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa has a strong focus on sustainable use of resources (energy, water, etc.). In this context, Sustainable Finance is an innovative approach to international climate, development and economic policies, which plays an important role in the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement. As part of a strategy to promote green economic growth, public and private investment will have to consider possible benefits for the environment and society. Low-carbon and resource-efficient economies, as well as potential adaptation to the impacts of climate change, have to be at the forefront of sustainable development.

The participants will gain insight into the implementation of Sustainable Finance in Germany and Europe. They expand their knowledge of the implementation of appropriate measures, identify opportunities for cooperation and inform themselves about new approaches to sustainable financing.

Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung und zur Anmeldung finden Sie hier.

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DAFG, Berlin

Buchvorstellung & Expertengespräch: Der Nahe Osten in einer globalisierten Welt

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Leben am Rande von Krieg und Zivilisationskrise – Ist die Welt noch zu retten?

15. - 16. November 2024
Ökumenisches Bildungszentrum Sanctclara, Mannheim

Der russische Angriffskrieg
