Oasen des Friedens und des Wohlstands

Warum die GCC-Staaten für uns wichtig sind und was sie gegen die Konflikte in ihrer Region immunisiert.

Von Rainer


Tag der Offenen Tür: Die DAFG stellt sich vor

Seit einem Jahr ist die DAFG – Deutsch-Arabische Freundschaftsgesellschaft e.V. in der Wallstraße 61 an der Fischerinsel


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Plötzlich und völlig unerwartet ist der ehemalige deutsche Diplomat Dieter Walter Haller auf einer Reise in das Land,


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Am 28. November 2024 begrüßten DAFG-Vizepräsident Houssam Maarouf und der Vorstand den neu akkreditierten jordanischen

DAFG, Kultur, Bildung & Wissenschaft

Netzwerktreffen mit Freunde der Al-Quds Universität e.V.

Am 25. November 2024 hatte die DAFG – Deutsch-Arabische Freundschaftsgesellschaft e.V. die besondere Gelegenheit, den

DAFG, Online

DAFG Jour Fixe: How „Our Voices - Aswatona“ became the first transnational podcast programme in the WANA region

24 January 2022, 6 p.m. (CET)
Online via Zoom

Podcasts are among the fastest growing mediums — worldwide and also in the Middle East — but truly transnational projects remain rare. “Our Voices - Aswatona” is the first transnational podcast programme within the WANA (North Africa and West Asia) region and Germany. The trilingual scholarship programme aims to establish a platform which connects and supports podcasters from different WANA countries. The 24th DAFG Jour Fixe will go in depth on the Aswatona project, featuring the project coordinators Katrin Schäfer and Linda Frankenthal as well as PR expert and podcast consultant Rasha Aldeeb. They will tell the origin story of the project, talk about their expectations and challenges as well as the state of podcasting in the Middle East and North Africa.

The 24th DAFG Jour Fixe will go in depth on the Aswatona project, featuring the project coordinators Katrin Schäfer and Linda Frankenthal as well as PR expert and podcast consultant Rasha Aldeeb. They will tell the origin story of the project, talk about their expectations and challenges as well as the state of podcasting in the Middle East and North Africa.

Over the past year, by way of three online workshops, the project established a transnational network for Arabic speaking podcasters, fostering exchange and mutual encouragement. Based on the workshops, the project participants have created twelve episodes around the themes of environment, gender and power dynamics. The episodes are co-produced by 5-6 transnational teams (2-3 podcasters each) and dubbed in English and German. The last episode, "Power dynamics in our everyday lives", was published in December. 

All episodes and more detailed and additional information such as the WANA Podcast Map are available on the project‘s website and all common podcast platforms.

The online event will be conducted as a video conference using the software "Zoom". The number of participants is limited.
Please register online here: https://tinyurl.com/mryxnc9a
After registering you will receive the corresponding access data.

For more information, please also see the event invitation.

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