Die DAFG e.V. trauert um ihren Freund und Journalisten Ahmad Afani
Am 8. Februar 2025 ist unser Mitglied der ersten Stunde und Mitgründer der DAFG e.V., Ahmad Afani, im Alter von 94
...Am 8. Februar 2025 ist unser Mitglied der ersten Stunde und Mitgründer der DAFG e.V., Ahmad Afani, im Alter von 94
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Von Rainer
Fachkräftegewinnung und Kooperation im Ausbildungsbereich
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...21 June 2021, 5 p.m.
Online Event via Zoom
After focusing previously on water management, the second event of our Jour Fixe event series on the GAMP-program will shift to the energy sector in order to discuss the double-degree master‘s program „Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the Middle East and North Africa Region“ (REMENA).
The development of renewable energies solutions and energy efficiency are key for the future regional environment. As part of the German-Arab Master’s Programmes (GAMP), the REMENA program offers the unique opportunity to study one semester at the Cairo University in Egypt and/or the University of Monastir in Tunisia, one semester at the University of Kassel in Germany and a possible exchange semester at one of the REMENA University Network (RUN) Partner Universities, namely the University of Sfax in Tunisia and the German University in Cairo, GUC.
The online event will emphasize the intercultural and international context of the study program while also reflecting on academic cooperation and the current challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic from both the perspective of the program coordinators and program alumni working in renewable energy projects. Our panel will include the REMENA program coordinators from Kassel, Cairo and Monastir as well as four REMENA Alumni:
Prof. Dr. Dirk Dahlhaus, Universität Kassel, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, REMENA Course Director Kassel
Prof. Dr. Adel Khalil, Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, REMENA Course Director Cairo
Dr. Souheil El Alimi, University of Monastir, ENIM, REMENA Course Director Monastir
M.Sc. Rawya El Shazly, Senior Project Developer KfW, Cairo - REMENA Alumna and Alumni Speaker
M.Sc. Djalila Ben-Bouchta, Business Development Assistant Manager at Infinity | Country Manager Tanzania at HACE - REMENA Alumna
Dr. Ouda M. Salem, Head of Team, Power to Liquida, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Freiburg - REMENA Alumnus
M.Sc. Oussama Saad, Consultant Power Generation, Ramboll Deutschland GmbH, Kassel - REMENA Alumnus
Please find additional event information in our Event Invitation.
The event language is English.
The online event will be conducted as a video conference using the software "Zoom".
We are looking forward to your participation and kindly ask you to register until 18 June 2021 here: https://tinyurl.com/35dp2kve
After registering you will receive the corresponding access data.
In der gemeinsamen Vortragsreihe des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (DAI) und der DAFG e.V. Archäologie & Kulturerbe in der arabischen Welt präsentieren Forscherinnen und Forscher Informationen über ihre aktuellen Arbeiten im Bereich Archäologie und kulturelles Erbe in der arabischen Welt. Die Veranstaltungen finden in regelmäßigen Abständen virtuell statt und geben
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